The leaves are thick on the branches, making for a very shady yard. My camera, 500mm lens and tripod are setup on the front porch while birds flash by me on their way to the feeders. This is not the time to be freezing wing motion, or even trying for an action shot with motion blur. It is so shady that I am playing limbo with my shutter speed, experimenting with how low I can go without sacrificing clarity with too low a shutter speed or too high an ISO.
White Crowned Sparrow Even at 1/500 Second, (with the aperture wide open) the ISO is above 1000. ISO1600; f/4; 1/500 Second
Migrating White Crowned Sparrows
White Crowned Sparrows arrive in flocks (Spring and Fall) and forage on the open ground under our feeders. We see them migrating through for weeks and then suddenly, they are gone. The adult White Crowned Sparrow is one of the easiest sparrows to ID, with its black and white striped head (the white strip looking like a rather large eyebrow) and light gray breast. The juveniles have quite different coloration (a reddish brown with creamy head stripes), so much so that I thought they were a different sparrow species.
White Crowned Sparrow The Wind was calm, so I lowered the Shutter to 1/320 Second. A Little More Light Peeking Through the Clouds Allowed me to Lower the ISO and Tighten the Aperture. ISO 400; f/5; 1/320 Second
Shutter Speed as Low As 1/320 Second
When photographing birds with a long telephoto lens, I am rarely successful in locking down a sharp focus when the camera is set to a slow shutter speed. Lots of factors come into play, but if the wind is calm and the White Crowned Sparrow is waiting patiently for his turn at the fallen seed, I can achieve a sharp photo with a shutter speed as low as 1/320 second. When I try a shutter speed setting below 1/320 second, I am usually disappointed with the clarity.
So many issues to consider when balancing exposure settings. To read more about factors that may impact image sharpness, visit this blog linkPhotographing Savannah Sparrows – Understanding Focus.
I came across what I thought was a song sparrow, foraging in the grass and cornfields in the Allegan State Game Area. It was early, and the sun was pleasingly low in the sky and at my back. Resting the camera on the car door window, I shot these photos using the 500 mm lens and 1.4 telephoto extender. Through this amplification, I could see that this was a new sparrow for me, chunky, with a very distinctive eye ring. Like most sparrows I’ve come across, the Vesper sparrow has a lovely song. Unlike most sparrow species, they hide their nests on the ground under clumps of grass.
Vesper Sparrow Foraging in the Grass. ISO800; f/8; 1/2000 Second
In the second photo, the car’s shadow was included in the frame. To help eliminate that shadow, I rotated the lens from portrait to landscape using the tripod collar. I like how the out of focus corn stalks behind the Vesper Sparrow’s perch add color that matches his feathers. Overall, the colorful bokeh helps make a more pleasing frame.
What Is That Knob For?
Ever have something right in front of you and not associate it with a useful mechanical function? A simple question “What’s that knob on my lens for?” is all I would have needed to ask. Instead, for quite a long time, I was blind to a function on my lens that is basic, simple and easy to use.
Vesper Sparrow perched on a corn stalk ISO800; f/8; 1/2000 Second.
The Simple and Elegant Tripod Collar
I assumed that the L shaped lens foot place precisely at the center of gravity on my long lenses was designed only as a carrying and mounting “handle”. I thought its purpose was to safely carry and manipulate a camera/long lens and secure it firmly to a tripod head.
It makes so much more sense now. The lens foot is attached to a rotational collar that allows the user to turn the lens without disrupting the focus or zoom functions. It’s simply a matter of loosening the collar (hence the obvious knob) and rotating the orientation of the lens from portrait to landscape, or any position in-between. For the longest time, when I was not using a tripod, I swiveled the camera body to achieve this function – a much more cumbersome process. At other times when using a tripod, I repositioned the joystick head on the tripod so the whole setup hung off to the side…a precarious and wobbly mess. Dumb!
There are dozens of sophisticated functions on modern, professional DSLR cameras that photographers struggle to master. The tripod collar is like flipping a switch….. basic, easy and essential.
This gray faced grassland Field Sparrow, with a reddish crown, white eye ring, unstreaked buff breast and distinctive pinky/orange beak is an easy sparrow to identify. It’s one of my favorite birds to photograph because this species doesn’t always hide when spooked. Curiosity gets the better of them, so much so that they are likely to come out into the open when there’s a ruckus.
Field Sparrow; ISO 1000; f/8; 1/2500 Second
Field Sparrow Watching Me
For this shoot, I hauled my camera, bags and tripod deep into a grassy, wet field (also, bug spray, bug nets, smart phone, hat, shades, etc). My equipment setup and preparation (not to mention my soaking wet pant legs) must have been just interesting enough for this field sparrow to come in close and in front of the camera to watch me. The early morning light was good, and he chose excellent perches on which to pose. He stayed so long that I was able to move my tripod about and swap out lenses and extenders to experiment with focal length. At the end of the shoot, I thanked him for his cooperation.
This is the type of care-free photography session that gets me thinking about purchasing even more photographic stuff to haul out in the field. This time, my thoughts were on a back-up DSLR camera.
Field Sparrow – ISO 500; f/8; 1/1250 Second
A Digital Camera’s Perceived “Lifetime”
My camera is 2 years old and has 48770 shutter counts. A camera’s “lifetime” is based on its shutter count. The official life expectancy on the shutter on my Canon 5D Mark III DSLR is rated at 150,000 shutter actuations. According to Canon, after I reach 150,000 shots, I can expect shutter wear and tear, slow down and eventual breakdown. I will then have to replace the shutter mechanism, or buy a new camera.
Hypothetically, with only 48770 shutter actuations, there is plenty of life left in my camera. However the “lifetime” shutter count estimates that Canon assigns are only estimates. This camera could out-live me, or crash tomorrow. There is no predicting when the shutter (or mirror, or sensor or other electronics) will fail on my camera.
NOTE: Apps are widely available to determine your camera’s shutter count. I purchased a program called “Shutter Count” for $2.99, available at this link.
Missed Photos
Currently, I have one camera and two fixed long telephoto lenses (300mm and 500mm). If the bird is perched at a distance that is too far or too close, I have to swap out lenses. That takes time and there’s a strong possibility that the bird will fly off before I am operational again. In addition, changing lenses on the fly can often lead to dust accumulation on the camera’s sensor. Having two DSLR cameras, each attached to a lens with a different focal length, would address these problems.
The wrong lens was attached to my camera when I spotted a Bald Eagle on the Lake MI dune. See this link for more information.
Camera #2 – Canon 7D Mark II
I’ve been thinking about purchasing the Canon 7D Mark II camera with a crop 1.6 sensor (22.4 x 15.0 mm). The new technology incorporated into this camera make it a professional’s tool. The reviews on this camera have been excellent.
I have a full sized sensor (36 x 24 mm) on my Canon 5d Mark III DSLR camera. When I attach a 500 mm lens on my Canon 5d Mark III, the focal length remains 500mm. A smaller sized sensor would crop some of the image coming in from the lens. Consequently a camera with a 1.6 sensor attached to a 500mm lens will make the image appear closer, and provide a reach equivalent to 811mm. Extended telephoto reach is very advantageous for a bird photographer.
Field Sparrow, displaying its Preen gland, also called Uropygial, on its back at the base of its tail. ISO 1000; f/8; 1/1000 Second
Better Prepared with Two DSLR Cameras
Many other breakdowns and accidents besides shutter failure can leave a photographer without a working camera; and breakdowns and accidents always seem to happen at the worst possible times. Having a second camera to use in parallel with my main camera would help me to be more prepared to go out in the field and photograph birds.
Well, not surprisingly, I’ve talked myself into another expenditure. Fun! 😎
It is my observation that accuracy, consistency, logic and convention do not appear to matter when naming birds. Many bird namers seem to stumble upon the common bird name by haphazardly identifying the bird with its behavior, shape, plumage, colors, appearance, characteristic, eating habits, songs, geographic location, type of surroundings, or perhaps even a beloved long lost relative. Birds names have also come from literary, folklore, mythology, and biblical references.
The most helpful of bird names precisely identifies some distinguishing attribute that birders everywhere can quickly and clearly see or hear for ID purposes. The honor of assigning the common name to a bird typically goes to the discoverer of the species. Sadly, most of the fun details as to when, why, and how most birds were given their common names are lost to history.
Ornithological Classification
Luckily, imprecise common names are not used to definitely ID birds. The more useful terms in bird identification are the scientific names, or ornithological classifications. This consists of a two word name, the first word describing the genus and the second word describing the unique species.
Photographing Grasshopper Sparrows
I found this grasshopper sparrow (Ammodramus savanna rum) in the fields at the Allegan SGA. It is a rather inconspicuous sparrow, not common in SW Michigan. The aptly named grasshopper sparrow not only eats grasshoppers (among other insects) but also sounds like a grasshopper. Listen to its song here. This little guy unknowingly posed for my camera while it perched on stalks in the fields. I think its most definitive physical characteristics are its round stocky body and rather flat head. (Hard to get a strong common name out of those characteristics, I guess.)
Grasshopper Sparrow Clinging to His Perch in the Field. ISO500; f/8.0; 1/800 SecondGrasshopper Sparrow Coming in For A Landing. ISO 800; f/9; 1/2500 SecondGrasshopper Sparrow Singing its Heart Out. ISO 800; f/9; 1/2500 Second
Photographing Clay Colored Sparrows
Another field dweller, this wary clay colored sparrow mostly hid from my camera in the dense grass cover. Occasionally he would perch on the mullein flower stalks at eye level with my lens. Clay Colored Sparrows (Spizella pallid) do have some clay colored feathers under the beak and on the breast. However, I would not immediately associate that clay color with this little sparrow because it has other lovely shades of yellows, browns and tans as well. A more precise and definitive label for this rather indistinct looking bird would to describe its song. It’s a strong buzz…very insect like and distinctive. Listen to its song here. (So was Buzz Sparrow already taken?)
Clay Colored Sparrow Fluffing His Feathers. ISO 500; f/9; 1/1250 SecondClay Colored Sparrow Singing. ISO 1000; f/9; 1/2500 Second
The Power of a Name
Once a bird is named, millions of birders will forever know and designate that bird with that name. Consequently, naming birds is more than a chore. It’s a gift laden with the responsibility to assign a common name that aptly describes that species for present and future ornithologists and birdwatchers.
If you are interested in taking a look at some really silly bird names, this link will lead you to wikipedia’s list of recognized birds species (9,721!!) labeled by their common names.
For photos of more uncommonly beautiful (and poorly named) sparrows, please visit the following blog links:
Whenever I am lucky enough to photograph a new bird, I know that bird can be identified accurately within 5 minutes of uploading the photo to the website. When I’m on the site, the birding experts can make a definitive ID based on some very far away and blurry photos. They do this because they have long experience in the bird ID craft, and look for basic ID clues.
As much as I look forward to uploading newly found birds to this ID forum, I haven’t abdicated all responsibility for learning basic birding ID skills. To be a successful bird photographer, you have to learn about the who, what, where, and when of bird ID skills while out in the field.
Male Eastern Towhee Trying to Get His Balance ISO 1600; f/6.3; 1/1250 Second
ID Process Built Into Merlin
I can’t possibly remember the names of every bird I come across, there are simply too many. Luckily, scientists who study birds have developed a bird ID process. This process involves observations of certain characteristics that will group birds and help lead to an ID. These characteristic include: The size and shape of birds, color pattern of feathers, behavior, habitat, field markings and songs and calls.
Female Eastern Towhee Foraging For Seeds On the Ground. ISO 1250; f/8.0; 1/2000 Second
The Merlin Bird ID app, published by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, incorporates this bird ID process to help the user identify birds. The app begins the process by querying the user with the following questions:
Where did you see the bird (current location)?
When did you see the bird (date) ?
What size was the bird (sparrow size, robin size, crow size, goose size?) ?
What were the main colors (You choose from a palate of 9 colors)?
Where was the bird (feeder, lake, ground, tree, flying, etc)?
Then, based on your answers to these queries, the app quickly compiles a list of possible birds from which to make an ID. For each bird listed, the app provides ID photos (for male, female and juvenile), habitat map, ID description, and a link so you can listen to various songs and calls for each bird.
The more I use this app, the better I understand how critical these categories are for an accurate ID.
Take a Photo First
When I’m in the field and find a new bird, I don’t stop everything to check the Merlin Bird ID app. The birds just don’t hang around that long. I always take photos of new birds, no matter how far away or unappealing the scene. I need something to refer back to because my eyewitness ID skills are not that good, especially when committed to memory. The photos help me assign the bird ID criteria and identify it when I get home.
Eastern Towhee
There is a pair of eastern towhees in our yard. Before I knew what they were, I made the following identification observations:
Male has black face, brown feathers and red eyes (colors)
Female is brown where male is black (colors)
Larger and chunkier than a sparrow, but same thick triangular bill (size comparison)
Rummages in the undergrowth for food (location)
Long tail points upward (size)
Not in Michigan in the winter (location)
Male Eastern Towhee, Ground Feeding. ISO 4000; f/8.0; 1/2000 Second
I was able to ID the Eastern Towhee very quickly using the Merlin app. I was surprised to learn that this bird is in the sparrow family. The towhee coloration is so different than the sparrows I have photographed. But, as I look over the ID criteria for sparrows, the towhee fits in that category.
The Merlin phone app is free and available for I-Phones and Droids. For more detailed information about the process of identifying birds, I recommend these two web resources: a) Bird ID Tips and b) All About Birds.
Juvenile Eastern Towhee. ISO 1000; f/8; 1/1000 second.
I generally crank the shutter speed way up when photographing birds in flight, just to freeze action all the way to the wingtips. My thinking is that time is short, and I won’t have another chance with this bird scene to get it right. I probably over-compensate with shutter speeds that are too fast because I’ve been burned so many times with blurred shots.
Motion Blur is Not A Weakness
But motion blur is not a weakness in wild bird photography. On the technical end, gauging what you want in focus and what you want blurred takes keen observation, lots of practice, and being more purposeful. If you can stop overcompensating with the fast shutter speeds, you will have more creative flexibility with aperture and ISO settings, and probably better bird photographs.
If you agree that ascetically, motion blur does add drama to a wild bird photo, that blurred wings make the shot feel more true to life, dynamic, and exciting, then it is a skill worth practicing.
Capturing Movement: Large Birds v Small Birds
I found that a shutter speed in the range of 1/2000 second – 1/3000 second is a good starting point to capture motion blur in the wings ofsmall birds while at the same time keeping other body parts, especially the eyes and head, tack sharp. This shutter range is just a starting point, a guideline. Wingtip blur is a relative and creative term, subject to artistic judgment. The shutter speed you set will impact what is blurred, how much it is blurred, and the effect that blur has on the photo.
Larger birds tend to fly more slowly and flap their wings less. You can count the ups and downs of a heron’s wings in flight – 3 or 4 per second-at most. Plus, large birds use their expansive wings to glide more, thereby reducing the wing movement. The photographer doesn’t necessarily need a fast shutter speed to get the shot, just excellent panning skills to track the large birds as they fly by.
Consequently, larger birds in flight can be photographed at much slower shutter speeds, as low as 1/800 second or 1/1000 second, depending on the motion on which they are captured. Conversely, you visually can’t count the number of times a smaller bird flaps its wings…..way too fast and too numerous to count and capture with a slower shutter speed. Plus, little birds unpredictably flit and flutter every which way. Slow shutter speeds in the 1/800 second – 1/1000 second range are out of the question in most instances for photographing small, flying birds.
Three Different Degrees of Motion Blur
Below are photos of 3 small birds in flight (scrub jay, eastern bluebird, savannah sparrow) showing sharp facial features and blurred wingtips. The blurring is least noticeable in the wings of the gliding scrub jay and most pronounced in the wings of the erratically flying savannah sparrow.
Of course, other camera settings besides shutter speed can impact blur, most especially your aperture setting, focal length of the lens, and distance the photographer is to her subject. To read more about these settings, see the post at this link.
A Scrub Jay with a Mouth Full of Corn – Slight Motion Blur on the Wings -Otherwise Sharp Focus. ISO 200; f/4.5; 1/2500 second
Eastern Blue Bird in Flight, Slowing Down Upon Reaching his Nest. Substantial Blur on the Wings, Despite the Fast Shutter Speed. ISO 300; f/2.8; 1/3200 Second
Savannah Sparrow in Flight- Wings Heavily Blurred. There are a lot of visual problems with this photo, unsightly shadows, clipped highlights, background distractions. The heavily blurred wings are one of the few things I like about this photo. ISO 500; f/7.1; 1/2000 Second
Pre-visualizing Before You Take The Photograph
Making judgments about how you want the photo to look before you take the shot is a skill worth developing. It means that you are pre visualizing….thinking, experimenting, calculating, and predicting how that photo will turn out. It takes you into the realm of new possibilities, and better bird photography.
I’ve observed the behaviors and attributes of many types of sparrows while out in the field. I use to think that sparrows were nothing special, mostly familiar, common and plain. I thought one sparrow looked pretty much the same as every other sparrow. I was wrong.
Taking the time to watch and photograph birds in their natural environment has altered my perspective about what’s important. I’m more watchful and aware and perhaps more engaged in the natural world, its challenges and mysteries, at least as they relate to birding.
How to ID Sparrows
It’s easy to get confused when identifying sparrows because the differences between them are quite subtle. Since there are more than 3 dozen kinds of sparrows in North America, not to mention differences between males and females and immature birds, I use a web resource that helps me separate out the subtleties between the different species. It’s called, “What’s That Sparrow”, Part of the “Great Backyard Bird Count” project, at this website.
The Field Sparrow
The field sparrow is common, but lovely and melodic. It’s a small sparrow, with a cute little white eye ring, a pink/orange bill, forked tail, and lustrous feathers in shades of cream, brown and gray.
Field Sparrow ISO 1000; f/7.1; 1/1600 Second
Chirping Field Sparrow IS0 800; f/7.1; 1/1250 Second
Unexpected Memory Disk Failure
You would think that all these feelings of inner peace, calm and tranquility brought on by the practice of photography would linger long past the nature experience and make me a better, more worth while human being.
Apparently not.
My camera’s memory disk failed – after spending 3 hours in the field and loading it with sparrow images. I was not a happy photographer.
Memory Disk File Maintenance
Photographers should know that the camera’s compact flash memory cards will eventually fail… it’s just a matter of when.
Before I go out into the field, I make sure I have clean memory disks loaded in the camera. (NOTE: My camera has slots for 2 memory disks.) The previous day, after I downloaded my images to my computer, I erased and formatted the memory disk while it was still in the memory card reader attached to the computer.
This action apparently caused a problem later when I was in the field and the camera attempted to save the images. The files were corrupted. The memory card with all my bird photographs of the day was inaccessible.
Use the Camera to Erase Files and Format your Memory Card
Erasing the camera’s memory card with my computer’s operating system instead of using my camera erase/format utility is a bad idea because of operating system compatibility issues. It’s safer to utilize the camera’s operating system to do file maintenance rather than using the Windows OS or the Mac OS.
The corrupted data on my memory card was most probably caused by 2 or more image files trying to occupy the same space on the disk. However, it could also have been a virus, malware, power failure, a unexpected system shutdown, bad drive sector, faulty memory card, etc.
So, there are lots of issues that can lead to frustration and possible disaster. During a shoot, I often do a quick check of the display to make sure the camera can access the image files. If I discover a problem, I change out that memory card pronto.
Image Rescue Software
Luckily, most of the corrupted files on my memory disk were able to be recovered and restored with corrupted data recovery software. Image rescue software is usually included when you buy your memory card. If not, free software tools to retrieve corrupted jpeg and raw files are widely available on the web.
After the images were recovered, I threw away that unreliable memory card.
All is Not Calm and Peaceful for Wild Birds
Ever out in a field full of active, chirping sparrows and getting great shots, and then suddenly, dead silence?
It’s kind of eery when everyone but you disappears. At first, I thought that the birds left because of some movement I made manipulating the camera in my car. But then I see him.
Cooper’s Hawk, Lurking in the Trees, Hunting Smaller Birds. ISO 1240; f7.1; 1/1000 Second
A Cooper’s Hawk was after the same field sparrows that I was photographing.
A good reminder that all is not calm and peaceful for Field Sparrows.
I’ve owned an assortment of film based, single lens reflex film cameras; Pentax, Minolta, Nikon, and Canon. I don’t miss those days or those cameras at all.
The photographs of the white crowned sparrows and song sparrows below are good examples of wild bird images I simply could NOT have captured using film photography. These digital images represent the speed, convenience and quality that is possible with today’s digital sensors. Instant gratification, without the waste (of time, money, opportunity).
An Immature White Crowned Sparrow. ISO 400; f/7.1; 1/1250 Second
The Old Days of Film Photography
Here are just a few things I remember about the bad old days of film photography.
Much of the time, it took so long for the quality labs to receive and then develop the images and ship them back to me, that I forgot what I photographed.
If I photographed something I thought was exciting, when I finally did see the developed image, I was usually disappointed. With film photography, it was not possible in one setting to check the image, make adjustments and re-shoot.
I remember choosing and purchasing a film for its light sensitivity (ISO), and making sure that I manually set the correct ISO on the camera, and then wasting half of the roll because the light changed and I needed to put in another roll of film with a different light sensitivity. It was either that, or carry around 2 or 3 SLR cameras loaded with different speed film.
I remember choosing between print and slide film, and wishing I had chosen whatever I did not have in the camera.
I remember threading the film very carefully and then snapping the back shut and manually cranking the roll of film forward, hoping the threading didn’t jam and waste the shots and the film.
I remember that I had no viable plan for long term organization, storage and backup. I now have a bunch of faded and curled nature photos in some corner of my basement, some loose, some in albums. All forgotten.
I was just thrilled when I bought a film camera that advanced the film automatically once it was loaded and automatically set the ISO. That was considered progress back then.
Mature White Crowned Sparrow ISO 640; f/7.1; 1/1600 Second
What’s Post Processing?
Unless you had access to a darkroom, there was no user post processing with film, only what the lab developed and sent back. For all practical purposes, you had no creative control after you rolled up the film and removed it from your camera. After a while, the developing wait time was not as long because the automatic processing machines took over in the Walmarts and the Targets, and your film was developed while you waited. In most cases, you sacrificed quality for a quick return of your images.
Note to Self
What a complainer I am! Think what nature photographers had to deal with 100 years ago…. 150 years ago. OMG.
That acknowledged, I must continue.
Film Cameras Still Available
You can find those old film SLR cameras on ebay- $20-$30. I have an old Pentax film SLR sitting in my closet.
When digital cameras first came out, they could not compete because film images were so much better, especially when using the medium or large format cameras. But digital image quality has improved drastically (and is still improving) with digital sensor and software advances.
The Advantages of Film Photography
It is true that film does produce a different “look”, although modern post processing software can create that same look. Some photographers prefer using film over digital – and now pay a premium to buy and develop film. These devoted souls may want the quality that film can provide for wall size prints, and they may enjoy the nostalgic feel of a film camera.
Digital Photography is Truly Revolutionary
I will never go back to film cameras. Never Never Never.
The resources that can be brought to bear using digital photography are truly revolutionary, for all levels and all ages of photographers, for all matter of uses. Most work fast and in very low light. As with most things, the image quality depends, in part, on how much you pay for your DSLR and lenses.
Simply put, film photography can not compete with the fast, easy, and free advantages that come with using digital cameras. Carrying a digital camera phone is second nature to almost everyone these days. Capturing memories is easy and convenient and the results can be instantly shared, organized, stored and backed up on the web. Digital photography makes blogging possible. And, if you want a hard copy, beautiful photo books worthy of coffee table display can be put together in minutes.
Finally, there is so much less waste and pollution from harmful and toxic chemicals because you don’t need to process the photos to view them.
Common Yet Amazing
The widespread accessibility and use of quality digital photography are as common and as amazing as these sparrows. (song sparrows below and white crowned sparrows above).
Young Song Sparrow Photographed on Top of a Corn Stalk ISO 640 f/6.3; 1/2000 second. It was a cold morning at the west end of the Allegan Forest (38 degrees) when I photographed this little Song Sparrow. I love the poofed up feathers – his effort to keep warm.Wet Song Sparrow Enduring a Very Cold Morning ISO 400; f/6.3; 1/1250 Second
What’s to Come in Digital Photography?
I’d like my camera and long lenses to be lighter and smaller please.
Perhaps this request is not so far away. See this link. It will take you to an article in “Photography Life” by photographer and writer, Nasim Mansurov‘s. Nasim’s writing is relevant to this week’s blog posting in a couple ways.
He is interested in exploring film photography, so he may have some powerful arguments about the pros of film photography, and
He has done his research and is well informed about what the future might bring regarding digital imagery.
“Photography Life” is an excellent resource for photographers. I highly recommend it.