Photo of Adult Bald Eagle

Merry Christmas to My Fellow Bird Lovers and Photographers

An Unexpected Christmas Surprise

Just a few days ago, I was lucky enough to photograph this beautiful adult bald eagle perched on a tree branch near my home. Coming across this majestic wild raptor with my camera at hand was a thrill.

Merry Christmas to all my fellow bird lovers and photographers out there. Sharing my photographic adventures with you is a privilege I look forward to every week.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.

Photograph of Adult Bald Eagle
My Christmas Surprise. An Adult Bald Eagle Stretching and Preening in a Tree Near my House.
ISO 500; f/7.1; 1/2000 second


Photograph of Bald Eagle
Close up of Adult Bald Eagle About to Take Off
ISO 400; f/7.1; 1/2000 Second


2 thoughts on “Merry Christmas to My Fellow Bird Lovers and Photographers

  1. Wow! You really have a great talent! Please keep up the good work.

    -Mark(former annoying neighbor kid) 😉

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