2 thoughts on “Female Baltimore Oriole

  1. I am just trying to identify a Baltimore Oriole, see if it is a female or a immature male because she is starting to get black feathers in the head. I came across this picture you took where a female has some black feathers on head too. I have had 2 bright Orange males around all winter, in Virginia Beach, and I thought this was a female, but now is getting black on head.
    If I could send you the picture? See if you can give opinion. To what can I write?

    1. Hi Carmen,
      Thanks for visiting my website.
      It’s hard to tell juvenile males and females apart in many bird species. I recommend that you upload your photo to the forum at http://www.whatbird.com. It’s labeled “Help me Identify a North American Bird” There are many dedicated birding experts on that site who may be able to help.

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