In Flight Photographs of the Great Blue Heron
It’s quite a different challenge to photograph a hummingbird in flight compared to a Blue Heron in Flight.
In flight photos are easier with big birds because they don’t move as fast as the smaller birds and the there’s much more bird upon which to lock focus. Larger birds are also somewhat more predictable, especially if you are looking for an action shot. If you are watchful, you can tell by their movements when they are preparing to lift off. That’s when you start pressing your shutter, non stop.
The Subtleties of Light on Photographs of The Great Blue Heron
I’ve been photographing this particular Blue Heron for seven mornings now -same place, same time (at least I’m assuming it’s the same heron). What a study in light! The colors of the feathers, the variety and vibrancy recorded on the camera’s sensor, are not what I remember seeing when I took the photos. The camera’s digital sensor records light and color differently, depending on intensity of the sun, time of year, time of day, length of exposure, depth of field, reflection of background colors, aperture and probably countless other factors.
Below please find two photos of the Great Blue Heron flying plus a third photo showing this great bird readying for liftoff. An adult Blue Heron stands about 4 feet tall and its wingspan is an impressive 6 feet wide.

The sun is behind me, to my right as I pressed the shutter at around 8:00-8:30 am on June 7, 2013. The blue sky is the only blue I see in this photo of a Great Blue Heron. Lot’s of vibrant shades of yellow, gold, orange, brown, olives.

I’m parked in the same place, the sun is behind me, to my right, as I pressed the shutter at around 8:00-8:30 am on June 8, 2013
No sky light in the background this time, just water and grass- giving it almost a stained glass look.
The blues on the wings are vivid. The darker green and blue background adds drama.

I love the flying heron! Gorgeous. You do fantastic work!